Épilation masculine
Men’s hair removal is now a common phenomenon.
A lot of men choose to have hair removal in order to get rid of the hair growth on the body (chest, back , shoulders, legs, neck, arms , fingers ) and on the face (between the eyebrows, on the cheekbones, when the beard grows high, under the eyes, ear flaps, bridge of the nose , the neck).
Men’s hair removal is performed under strict hygiene rules by experienced graduate beautician’s that know all the modern hair removal techniques as well as the anatomy of the hair and the peculiarity of men’s complexion and hair growth. You can check the description of all the treatments in the category hair removal.
Indicative hair removal treatments:
- Hair removal with Laser
- Radical hair removal
- Hair removal with a wax
- Enzyme hair removal
- Hair removal with a thread
How long does the application last?
Depending on the selected way of treatment.
Does hair removal hurt?
You feel a slight transitory irritation depending on the treatment.
Frequency of the treatment
Depending on the treatment it varies from 15 to 40 days. It can be performed during all the seasons of the year.