Подтяжка тела - Электротерапия
The point is to cause a normal contraction that will give us the intended result. The so-called treatment through TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) currents, causes muscle strengthening and epidermal tightening. At the same time, it relieves the pain, toning the production of endorphins. The primary aim of electrotherapy is to strengthen the muscles , in addition to any physical exercise. Main actions of electrotherapy:
- Muscle tightening.
- Weight loss action.
- Epidermic tightening.
- It sculpts the buttocks and the abdomen.
- It casts away toxins and reduces local fat. Lymphatic drainage action.
To whom does it address?
To men and women regardless of their age for local weight loss for immediate and spectacular cellulite treatment and for epidermic tightening of the target area. How long does the application last? 30 minutes.
Does electrotherapy hurt?
Exceot for a slight sense of prick in fact, you enjoy a a tightening and well-being treatment.
Frequency of the treatment.
Twice a week for eight weeks. Afterwards, maintenance visits follow on a case-to -case basis. Homecare The treatment continues with daily care at home between the visits for treatment with the special tightening products.
Are the ingredients used harmful?
In no case. They are certified medical products with type CE as well as FDA Approved approvals.